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Survivor Testimonies


The voices of survivors are important in creating understanding; and we will only ever be able to change societies view of male survivors with understanding. Through engagement with male survivors, it was asked that we provide a space to allow men to tell their stories; a place that men could speak out anonymously or be known; a place that a person can say what they need to about their life without fear of judgement or being shut down.

We Are Survivors is built on the ethos of breaking the silence that surrounds male sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation. We have a responsibility to amplify the voices of the male survivors’ that engage with us and allow others to hear their stories as to be heard but also to create change.

If you wish to have your story or testimony included here, just drop us an email to support@wearesurvivors.org.uk. It is an honour for us to be the hosts of this space and we thank every single individual here for using the space and allowing others to hear their voice.

In order to have the privilege of reading each story, please click on the relevant button below.

IMPORTANT: We do not edit, change or censor an individual survivor’s words here and therefore visitors need to deploy their own discretion and recognise that some pieces of work (or elements of) may triggering or distressing to some people. We do, however, take a zero tolerance to hate speech and will not publish anything that is sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist or sets to oppress others.

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